Who is the man behind BRAND YOU?
Hello, nice to meet you all.
My Name is Julian Pace, Co founder for Brand you.
I am also the Founder and Chief Happiness Officer at Happiness Co, which is a Award Winning Social Enterprise helping people live a happy and inspired life.
I have now worked with around 50,000 people in the space of human behaviour and I can not wait to work with you on redesigning your own heroes journey to take your life to a whole new level.
What is Julians purpose in life?
I believe if we are not waking up living our lifes purpose and then we are wasting our time.
We all have a purpose, we just need the tools to discover it. My purpose is contribution, to be a guide and Mentor to help and allow others to grow and create love, happiness and fulfilment on their own terms.
We all have the same chance, to make a choice to create change in our lives and im pumped to go on this journey with you.
Who inspires Julian?
I love feeling inspired and I have a great respect for the people who make me feel that way. My biggest inspo is my mum, she has given me so much and inspires me daily. Here are some of my tops that give me the feels and all for different reasons Opera, Steve Jobs, Richard Brandson, Will Smith, Brene Brown.
What does Julians morning routine look like?
I call this my hour of "POWER' I start my day at 5:30 am throwing back a big glass of water, into a cold shower for 5 mins. From there I do something I call priming based around breath work, body movement, gratitudes, intentions for the day and what I want to create. Then I read a least 15 pages of whatever book I am reading.
I am looking forward to seeing you in our first workshop and remember "if we want our lives to get better, we need to get better."
Huge love from me JP